Monday, June 1, 2009


I fainted the other day and hit my head on the bathroom sink. My head still hurts.

"I used to dream and I used to vow, I wouldn't dream of it now."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It's taken a while, but I'm finally happy with my body. Everyone close to me knows I've been bulimic for a long, long time (since I was 11). Up until recently the longest I had gone without making myself throw up was one month, and that was once when I was 16. One month out of 7 years. I'm happy happy happy to say it's been at least two months and I love my body the way it is. I hope it lasts.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I'm in San Diego, spending time with new and old friends and I'm about to go sneak into a hotel pool. South County stopped feeling like home. These people feel like home. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Busy, busy, busy. Bullet points because I don't feel like making proper sentences.

-Very much in love.

-Polyamoury is treating me very well and I'm never looking back!

-Savedge has been staying with me, I love her.

-Leaving for Phoenix, AZ in an our. Excited to see Jen and Melanie.

-Life in general is treating me very well. I'm spending good times with good people.

- I love San Diego almost as much as I love South County.

-I got tattooed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Entry five.

Boys from out of town fall for girls from South County because we're smart, beautiful, and we smell like ocean water.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Entry four.

"wow, make a list of all the guys you like. check them off one by one after having told them ALL to fuck off."

Once again, Teresa proves her genius. I've been extremely crush happy the past month, but a conversation with a previous partner has killed that. Thank the fuck Christ.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Entry three and a half.

Dear dudes,
I'm writing this on behalf of a few members of Venus Cunt Trap. There was a supplementary meeting recently and there was an observation in relation to your dicks made. You can't seem to cuddle without getting a boner. I get it, we're all super attractive and it's awesome laying in bed with us. But cuddlezone is not the pregame to the boneyard. We're obviously cuddling with you because we like you, at least platonically, and we enjoy it or we wouldn't do it (wait, you did ask and make sure it was okay right? There was consent to cuddle? GOOD). But one day I'd like to watch a movie with you and not feel your boner in my back.

Tonia on behalf of Venus Cunt Trap.